Online Discussion Forum Disclaimer and Terms of Use

The Whisper Dunes online discussion forum is designed for residents to discuss issues and share experiences related to the Whisper Dunes community.

​All comments and opinions created by the users on this page reflects the views of individual participants only and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the HOA board members or management. This page is not routinely monitored by the board or management and is not intended for questions to the HOA board or community management. Please use the CONTACT BOD/MANAGEMENT FORM to ask questions related to Whisper Dunes HOA.

Please read carefully before participating. The following terms govern the discussion forum. Your use of the discussion forum will constitute your agreement to comply with these terms of use:

  1. You agree not to use any obscene or offensive language to place on the discussion forum including any material that is profane, inaccurate, defamatory, false, inappropriate, threatening, hateful, hurtful to minors, constitutes junk mail or unauthorized advertising, infringes on any person’s privacy, violates copyright laws, encourages conduct that would constitute a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise be in violation of any local, state, national, or international law or regulation. Whisper Dunes HOA reserves the right to remove any such content at any time without your consent. Whisper Dunes HOA is not responsible for any failure or delay in removing such content.
  2. To maintain high quality content, the Whisper Dunes HOA reserves the right to remove messages we assess to be inappropriate and conduct editing we identify as reasonable. Whisper Dunes HOA also reserves the right to deny you future access to the forum without prior warning. Although the Whisper Dunes HOA can delete messages, you remain solely responsible for the content of your messages.